Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Theory of Relativity

Time is a funny thing. I cannot fathom that my little baby is going to be 18 months on Friday; he was just born! On the flip side, I cannot believe that I've only been sick for 5 weeks. Darrell would attest, I'm sure, to the fact that it feels MUCH longer than that.

Lately I've been feeling sick in the evening and at night, too. While I do hate the incapacitated feeling, and the disheveled state that my house and work life is in, I do get a bit relieved every time I feel ill. At least I'm still pregnant.

And we'll know for sure on Tuesday, which is my next check up. If everything is OK then, we should be out of the woods. As far as that's concerned anyway. Then we have a whole different set of things to worry about. Like a car that both babies can ride in, and baby furniture.

Friday, November 7, 2008

So far, so good

We had our first ultrasound yesterday- everything is fine and we are 8.5 weeks! The doctor said that we are higher risk because of the previous miscarriage, but once we get to 12 or 13 weeks we'll be "out of the woods". Now it's just a waiting game. Which is really what pregnancy is anyway, right?

The U/S tech gave the spiel about exercising, heavy lifting, etc. She emphasized back injuries. Of course, I hurt my back today. She jinxed me! It feels like I pinched something; not in my lower back like I would have expected, but in my should blade area.

Darrell, come home! I need a massage!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We're Pregnant

I was thinking about why we say this- "We're pregnant". I mean, aren't I the one doing all the work?
Well, I certainly am the one feeling terrible, spending a lot of my day with my head in the toilet and the rest of the time trying to keep myself from the toilet. And I'm the one struggling to keep up with an active 17 month old while my body grows another human being. (No easy feat!) I'm the one, too, with constipation, hormonal temperature issues, super-hero smell, thirst that cannot be quenched and more.
But poor Darrell is suffering too. After getting up early to make me something to eat (which did help today with the sickness!), he has to feed the dogs, keep Duke out of trouble, walk the dogs, etc. This morning alone, Hunter pooped in the foyer, Duke drank (and spilled a lot of) Darrell's coffee, Duke had a poop explosion in his pants and one of the dogs threw up. Then it's off to work for the day then home to a wife who can't cook and needs to be fed, whose sense of smell won't let her deal with dirty dishes, dogs who need to be taken care of....
Duke too, is getting less than best. Even when I am "interacting" with him, I'm hardly 100% there physically.
So, I guess it is accurate to say we're pregnant. We're all suffering!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Bun in the Oven

Giving it thought, I guess that being pregnant is a lot like baking for me.

While I L-O-V-E cookies, cupcakes and the like, I could do without all the measuring, mixing, cleaning up and waiting. Not to mention the upset stomach I invariably get from eating too much batter.

Of course, that is nothing like the stomach "ache" (if you can even call it that) that I get from being pregnant. Since Friday at 10 am, I've had about 5 hours of non-nausea.

I have a few theories on why I am so ill at this early stage:
1. I am having twins.
2. God is punishing me.
3. I was wrong about the conception date and am actually further along that I think.

Of these, only #3 brings me any kind of peace of mind.

I love babies, I just wish cooking them wasn't so hard!