Monday, February 2, 2009

Knowing is Half the Battle

Well, well. Looks like the balance of the household will be tipped back to a more level playing field. You are a girl, and awfully cute at that. You are still quite the mover and shaker, and so far I feel pretty good. At 21+ weeks I am getting back into the groove of moderate exercise 2 times a week. Nothing spectacular, but better than nothing I suppose. I'm going to try adding yoga in there once or twice a week since I am getting awfully stiff.

As of last week's appointment my weight gain was right on track- 8 pounds. Quite different from your brother where I gained 13 pounds in 4 weeks!!!! Of course by now I might have upped that a few more pounds so I'm trying to eat healthily and take care of the both of us. (Meaning I really am trying to cut back on the chocolates, jelly beans and sugar- currently 'conversation hearts' which are in season for Valentine's Day. Oh, and the cheese!) I think you like food as much as I do- at first I thought you were going bananas when I ate sweets, but now I notice it every time I eat. That's my girl!!! Don't worry, we love food around here!

I am officially out of my clothes. I have no desire to be squeezed that tightly, so instead we are dealing with plumber's butt when the maternity elastic slips down too far. The Bella Band is great! I wish I had used it more with Duke. Maternity tops are still for the most part overkill, but a lot of mine aren't quite big enough in the right places, if you know what I mean.

Finding out that you're a girl was shocking to say the least, but your Daddy was so excited that it helped a lot. Also, I registered for lots of cute girl things and that made me start to anticipate your arrival eagerly. Not that we're ready for you! Heavens, no. In fact, if you show up too soon you'll be sleeping in a shoe box!

I've been telling Duke about you and he said he's going to teach you songs and read you stories. He says he's going to be a good big brother, and I think he will.

I can't wait to decorate your room- here's a preview...

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